Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Nanotechnology for Water

Using a technology that is virtually invisible to the naked eye, scientists may be able to make your water, and everyone else's, cleaner. Nanotechnology designed to find contaminants in water and possibly even filter it in a way that conventional technology cannot could be the wave of the future, scientists and nanotechnology advocates told me when I was reporting a story for Scienceline, my Science, Health, and Environmental Reporting Program's webzine (the shortest distance between you and science).

At this point, even a hard look into a crystal ball won't be able to tell us whether or not all will be well after materials are nano-sized. The government is still supporting research, but oversight committees also caution that a close eye should be trained on the possibility of unintended health effects, The Scientist also reported yesterday.

If you believe in technological innovation, however, the future looks bright. Such little things might help us go a long way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both your nano stories, here and in Scienceline, must have been based on an ancestor of the same name! Keep up the good, technical, and well-written work!